Welcome to your State Required Training - Session 2 / Selby

1. Physical signs of sexual abuse may include:

2. A five year old needs to go to the bathroom. There will be a balance of power if the child goes with:

3. Which of the following can be effects of child sexual abuse:

If you leave a 17 year old camper alone in a cabin with a 10 year old camper, you have increased the level of risk for child abuse because you have:

5. If you suspect sexual abuse, it is best to wait a few weeks to see if there is evidence to support the claim:

6. Sexual abuse may also be committed by a person under the age of 18 when the person is significantly older than the victim or when the perpetrator is in a position of power and control over the victim:

7. Child sexual abuse is a criminal offense in all 50 states:

8. Volunteers can be charged with sexual abuse of a child:

9. Camp programs can not be held liable for child sexual abuse:

10. A study has revealed as much as 56 percent of child molestation cases are committed by adolescents, mostly males:

11. The victim seldom knows his/her molester:

12. The most prevalent type of offender is the situational offender:

13. One way to lower risk is to have two unrelated adults present at every activity:

14. Today, most teens are not sexually active, so it is not necessary to monitor and supervise campers in order to prevent consensual sexual activity:

15. Withdrawal from social activities and friends may be a behavioral sign of sexual abuse:

16. A sex offender often spends more time with children than with people his/her own age:

17. Sexual abuse may be defined as any interaction between a child and an adult in which the child is being used for the sexual stimulation of the perpetrator:

18. Children never molest other children:

19. In the U.S., as many as 1 in 3 girls will be sexually abused at some point in their childhood:

20. Non-touching sexual abuse offenses include pornography and exhibitionism:

21. Women are never sexual abusers:

22. Risk of sexual abuse increases as isolation increases:

23. Never express disbelief, minimize the complaint, or place blame on the victim when an allegation is made:

24. Not all allegations need to be documented and reported:

25. You should never counsel a camper alone after “lights out.”

26. Staff members should watch for and correct any sexually suggestive behavior from campers and between campers:

27. We should assess the level of risk of all activities by considering the following three factors: isolation, accountability, and power and control:

28. Staff members should always contact an alleged perpetrator immediately following an allegation:

29. If you and your co-counselor decide to take your campers on a special outing and you fail to notify your session director beforehand, you have increased the level of risk by ignoring the accountability factor:

30. Activities between older campers and younger campers create an imbalance of power and therefore should always be supervised by staff members: